Welcome To My Web Page!I've decided to make my personal Web site. Who needs this? Both me and you. I need it to get new friends, you need it to learn much about a good guy ;-) My name is Alex Zuyev, I was born on September 2,1972 in the old merchants' city of Syzran. I toil at the car assembling factory called «RosLada». I'm an engineer of certification. My darling Oxana is standing near me, we are happy together since October,1998. And on September 12, 2000 we have our sonny Johnny begotten! Now we are sure:we are the happiest family in the world! My hobby:
I use Yandex (the best Russian searching engine) and Netscape Communicator. You can see the photos, and if you want to learn much about me, about my family & friends - mail me! My ICQ#: 107415748 P.S. This site was created not because of vanity but to test myself in creating a web page "by hands", using not bad HTML-editor called "Arachnophilia" and a clever book. So thou shalt not judge! |